Pharmacom Labs New Test Prop Ampules Tested by AnabolicLab

Pharmacom Labs New Test Prop Ampules Tested by AnabolicLab

Pharmacom adds ampules to its product line and AnabolicLab is on it.

January 5, 2016 – Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test P100 ampules were selected for steroid analytics by AnabolicLab. Pharmacom has done well with its Test Prop mult-use vials on AnabolicLab. But are its ampules just as accurately dosed? AnabolicLab finds out for you.

Pharmacom Labs listed 100 milligrams of testosterone propionate in each milliliter ampule of PHARMA Test P100. The SIMEC lab test results revealed that the actual concentration was 83.5 mg/ml.

Customers have extremely high expectations from Pharmacom Labs.

Pharmacom Labs has aggressively marketed itself as a high-end and high-quality manufacturer of anabolic steroids and ancillary drugs for athletes and bodybuilders. It has even claimed that its products are product are produced according to pharmaceutical standards.

PHARMA Test P100 easily passed AnabolicLab’s criteria for underground products. But the 16% underdosed product did not quite meet the high expectations by many Pharmacom customers.

Pharmacom Labs’ testosterone propionate multi-use vials were more accurately dosed (10%) than its ampules (16%). Customers may be happy to stick with the vials.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test P100 ampules lab report PHOTO

  • AnabolicLab. (January 5, 2016). Pharmacom PHARMA Test P100 Lab Test Results. Retrieved from

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