
Dragon Pharma Equipoise Falls Short of Label Claim

Dragon Pharma had a perfect record on AnabolicLab up until EQ 300 was tested.

The first three Dragon Pharma products analyzed by AnabolicLab all passed. But then came along Dragon Pharma EQ 300…

Dragon Pharma EQ 300 supposedly contained 300 milligrams of boldenone undecylenate per milliliter of injectable solution according to the label claim. The claim was put to the test via HPLC-UV analysis conducted by SIMEC AG in Switzerland.

Dragon Pharma EQ 300 was underdosed.

The lab test results for Dragon Pharma EQ 300 revealed that each milliliter only contained 229.9 mg/ml of boldenone undecylenate. In other words, EQ 300 was approximately 24% underdosed.

Three Dragon Pharma products had previously passed AnabolicLab. The passing products included Masteron 100 (drostanolone propionate), Propionat 100 (testosterone propionate) and Trenbolone 100 (trenbolone acetate).

Dragon Pharma looked very promising based on the first lab test results. But it may be premature to make a conclusion about the quality of the brand given the disappointing results of EQ 300 testing.

Dragon Pharma EQ 300 was not “bunk”. That is, it actually contained significant quantities of boldenone undecylenate. It just did not meet the label claim.

Hopefully, AnabolicLab will continue to test Dragon Pharma products in order to achieve more clarity regarding the brand’s overall quality.

Dragon Pharma EQ 300 lab report PHOTO

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