Black Label Labs Primo E200 PHOTO

Black Label Labs Primo E200 is a Solid Primobolan Product

Black Label Labs is an American brand that produces a quality Primobolan product.

August 27, 2015 – Black Label Labs is another underground laboratory based in the United States. The brand is relatively new but has been popular of several steroid ranking websites. AnabolicLab selected Black Label Labs’ Primo E200 product for chemical analysis.

Black Label Labs Prim E200 reportedly contains 200 milligrams of methenolone enanthate per milliliter according to the product label. The product was sent to SIMEC in Switzerland for HPLC-UV analysis. The lab test results confirmed the presence of 202 mg/ml of methenolone enanthate.

Black Label Labs is the third American brand tested by AnabolicLab.

AnabolicLab has only tested a few American brands. Its product selection strategy tends to focus on larger international brands that have distribution networks around the world. The resulting lab test results are therefore more relevant to a greater number of worldwide consumers.

However, the few American brands tested – Primo of the Gods, Paxton Pharma, and Black Label Labs – all seem to have performed well. Of course, the lab tests only examined a handful of products. This provides insufficient data to make broad conclusions about the brands in question. It certainly isn’t enough information to judge the quality of the American UGL market as a whole.

Black Label Labs Primo E200 lab report PHOTO

The lab test results confirmed the presence of 202 mg/ml of methenolone enanthate.

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