Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100 PHOTO

Geneza Pharma NPP Performs Well in AnabolicLab Testing

Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100 is the latest nandrolone phenylpropionate product selected for steroid analytics by AnabolicLab.

Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100 has been selected for laboratory analysis for the very first time by AnabolicLab. But Geneza Pharma is no stranger to AnabolicLab. Its products have been tested a total of 14 times.

Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100 supposedly contains 100 milligrams of nandrolone phenylpropionate per milliliter of injectable solution according to the product label claim. AnabolicLab submitted an unopened sample to SIMEC in order to verify this claim.

SIMEC confirmed the dosage accuracy of Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100.

SIMEC performed an HPLC-UV analysis on GP Phenyl 100. The lab test results revealed that it actually contained 111.3 mg/ml of nandrolone phenylpropionate. The dosage accuracy was 111% of the label claim.

Geneza Pharmaceuticals continues to establish itself as one of the better-performing brands on AnabolicLab. However, Geneza Pharma has not been perfect. Most of its products have been within 20% of the label claim. But some have been significantly overdosed.

Geneza Pharma GP Phenyl 100 lab report PHOTO

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