Geneza Pharma Tren Enanth 200 PHOTO

Geneza Pharma Tren Enanth 200 Undergoes the AnabolicLab Treatment

Geneza Pharma performs well in analysis of trenbolone enanthate product.

Geneza Pharma has become a favorite for testing by AnabolicLab. Its GP Tren Enanth 200 is the eleventh products examined by the AnabolicLab lab testing project.

Geneza Pharma GP Tren Enanth listed a dosage concentration on its label of 200 milligrams of trenbolone enanthate per milliliter. SIMEC analytical testing identified an actual concentration of 229.3 mg/ml trenbolone enanthate.

Geneza Pharma continues to perform well even though some products are overdosed.

Geneza Pharma seems to intentionally overdose their products. Geneza Pharma products are rarely test below label claim. If the concentration deviates from the label claim, it is usually exceeds the stated concentration.

We would prefer to see products that are as accurately dosed as possible even if it means being 5-10% underdosed.

However, Geneza Pharma understands marketing. Overdosed products are more likely to gain repeat business. Overdosed products feel more potent because they are more potent.

Overdosed products generally result in more satisfied and more swole customers.

Geneza Pharma Tren Enanth 200 lab report PHOTO

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