Malay Tiger Decanol-200 PHOTO

Malay Tiger Returns to AnabolicLab with Decanol-200

AnabolicLab examines Malay Tiger in the latest round of nandrolone decanoate testing.

July 20, 2016 – Malay Tiger made a disappointing debut on AnabolicLab a few months ago. AnabolicLab has decided to follow up with further testing with its nandrolone decanoate product.

Malay Tiger Decanol-200 claimed on its packaging to contain 200 milligrams of nandrolone decanoate per milliliter. AnabolicLab submitted samples to SIMEC. SIMEC perrformed HPLC-UV analysis in order to verify the manufacturer’s claim.

The lab test results revealed that Malay Tiger Decanol-200 actually contained 188.5 mg/ml nandrolone decanoate. This was a good result for the brand.

The lab test results for Malay Tiger products have been mixed on AnabolicLab.

Malay Tiger is a brand that has seen increasingly popularity based on internet forum discussions. The user feedback seemed to be favorable. So it was nice to see AnabolicLab select Malay Tiger for analytical testing to corroborate the anecdotal reports.

Unfortunately, Malay Tiger did not perform well when its first product was analyzed by AnabolicLab.

Malay Tiger Oxyndrol was supposed to contain 50 milligrams of oxymetholone but it really only contained 21.2 milligrams per tablet. This made is over 50% underdosed.

The results for Decanol-200 indicate that Malay Tiger is capable of producing an accurately dosed product. But it does not appear that Malay Tiger can consistently product quality products based on preliminary results.

Malay Tiger Decanol-200 lab report PHOTO

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