
Pharmacom Labs High-Dosed Equipoise Put to the Test

AnabolicLab ventures into the world of highly concentrated injectable anabolic steroid products.

Pharmacom Labs has released a few high-dosed injectable steroid products with concentrations in the 500 to 600 milligram per milliliter range. AnabolicLab decided to check one out.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bold 500 supposedly contains a whopping 500 milligrams of boldenone undecylenate per milliliter according to the label claim. AnabolicLab sought to verify this claim by submitting an unopened sample to SIMEC.

SIMEC performed an HPLC-UV analysis on the sample. It found that PHARMA Bold 500 actually contained 581.2 mg/ml of boldenone undecylenate. This amounted to 116% of the label claim to receive a passing grade from AnabolicLab.

Highly-concentrated injectable anabolic steroid are possible.

There has been considerable debate on internet forums as to whether or not it was truly possible to mix as much as 500-600 milligrams of active steroid ingredients in a single milliliter of solution. AnabolicLab’s latest lab tests should eliminate any doubt about the viability of such a product.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bold 500 proved that it is not only possible to have 500 mg/ml of a steroid ingredient but even possible to push it closer to 600 mg/ml.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bold 500 lab report PHOTO

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