Pharmacom Labs Pharma Mix 1 PHOTO

Pharmacom Labs Pharma Mix 1 Was Within 3% of Label Claim Ingredients

Pharma Mix 1 is a perfectly-dosed blend of two testosterone esters and one boldenone ester.

Pharmacom Labs Pharma Mix 1 listed 50 mg/ml testosterone phenylpropionate, 200 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate and 200 mg/ml testosterone cypionate on the label. And Pharmacom impressively met the label claim for each ingredient.

Pharmacom was within 1% of label claim for testosterone phenylpropionate at 50.9 mg/ml.

It was within 2% of label claim for boldenone undecylensate at 196.7 mg/ml.

And it was within 3% of label claim for testosterone cypionate at 204.7 mg/ml.

Pharmacom Labs knows how to do steroid mixes.

We may not be big fans of the various all-in-one, one-size-fits-all steroid mixtures on the market nowadays. But we recognize that there is a big consumer demand for these products. Consequently, UGLs are more than willing to meet that demand.

Based on the AnabolicLab analyses of Pharmacom Lab blends thus far, Pharmacom knows how to do it well.

Pharma Mix 1 lab report PHOTO

Pharma Mix 1 is a perfectly-dosed blend of two testosterone esters and one boldenone ester.

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