Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 PHOTO

Pharmacom Labs Proves Its Dosing Accuracy with PHARMA Test E300

Pharmacom Labs makes its debut on AnabolicLab with a stellar performance by its testosterone enanthate product.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 certainly has some pretty packaging and fancy labeling. They say don’t judge a book by its cover. Its the contents that really matter. So what is inside the Pharmacom Labs vial of PHARMA Test E300?

This is the entire purpose of the AnabolicLab testing program is to find out. AnabolicLab anonymously obtained a sample of PHARMA Test E300 and sent it to SIMEC AG for laboratory analysis for objective evidence of the quality of the product.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 was about 2% away from being perfect.

The Pharmacom Labs packaging indicated that consumers should expect 300 milligrams of testosterone enanthate per milliliter in the bottle. The actual contents were not far off. SIMEC reported that each milliliter contained 306.05 milligrams of testosterone enanthate.

Pharmacom Labs has made some lofty promises concerning the quality of its products. The first lab test results from AnabolicLab support those promises – so far. However, the true test of the quality of a brand is how it performs over time. That remains to be seen.

Pharmacom TEstosterone Enanthate lab report PHOTO

The Pharmacom Labs packaging indicated that consumers should expect 300 milligrams of testosterone enanthate per milliliter

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