Pharmacom Testosterone Enanthate Tested for Third Time in Three Years

Pharmacom Testosterone Enanthate Tested for Third Time in Three Years

AnabolicLab has tested a few Pharmacom products on two or more occasions since the testing program began over almost three years ago.

Pharmacom Labs is a favorite target for AnabolicLab testing. Its products have been tested on 20 different occasions. This included three tests involving Pharmacom Labs testosterone enanthate product.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 supposedly contains 300 milligrams of testosterone enanthate per milliliter according to the product label and related packaging. AnabolicLab submitted an unopened sample to SIMEC to verify this claim.

The results to the HPLC-UV analytical testing confirmed that Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 was accurately dosed. Each milliliter of injectable solution did, in fact, contain 334.9 mg/ml testosterone enanthate.

Pharmacom’s testosterone enanthate has been a little inconsistent over the years.

Pharmacom Test E300 was approximately 11% overdosed which earned it a passing grade for accuracy from AnabolicLab. The product performed far better than it did during its previous lab testing on AnabolicLab.

In January 26, 2016, Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 was found to contain 363 mg/ml of testosterone enanthate. This placed it at 21% overdosed or 121% of the label claim. The overdosing earned Pharmacom a failing grade on AnabolicLab.

However, Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 did much better when it was analyzed in May 2015. Each milliliter actually contained 306.05 mg/ml of testosterone enanthate.

The lab test results for this product have not been very consistent over the years. Nonetheless, consumers have been guaranteed to receive at least 300 mg/ml testosterone enanthate even if it was not exactly as promised on the label.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 lab report PHOTO


  • AnabolicLab. (July 26, 2017). Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 Lab Test Results. Retrieved from

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