Playboy Magazine “Women of the Olympics” Athlete Ineta Radevica Tested Positive for Anavar

Playboy “Women of the Olympics” Athlete Tested Positive for Anavar

Olympic athlete and Playboy nude model Ineta Radevica accused of using anabolic steroids.

Ineta Radevica, a Latvian long jumper who competed in the 2004 Athens Olympics and the 2012 London Olympics, has tested positive for anabolic steroids. The drug testing was conducted as part of the International Olympic Committee’s retesting program. The retesting of a stored urine sample from the London Olympics contained traces of oxandrolone (Anavar).

The IOC Athletics Integrity Unit suspended Radevica for four years. The IOC apparently did not care that Radevica has been retired from competition for six years. She has devoted herself to raising a family during this period. She has two children and is currently pregnant with a third child.

Nonetheless Radevica was upset by the “extremely unpleasant” news. In a statement posted on Instagram, the 37-year old former athletics star insisted that she was always firmly opposed to doping. She denied ever knowingly using anabolic steroids or any other banned performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).

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Radusies situācija man ir ārkārtīgi nepatīkama. Es nodarbojos ar vieglatlētiku no agras bērnības un esmu veltījusi tai sevi visu. Kopš manas sportistes karjeras beigām pagājis jau ilgs laiks, tomēr tā joprojām saglabā svarīgu vietu manā sirdī. Visas savas karjeras laikā, es vienmēr esmu bijusi pret neatļautu vielu lietošanu un stingri iestājos pret neatļautām vielām sportā arī šobrīd, tapēc notikušais man ir īpaši nepatīkams. Kaut gan apzināti neesmu lietojusi aizliegtus medikamentus, es saprotu, ka tas neatbrīvo mani no atbildības par notikušo, tāpēc pašlaik daru visu, kas manos spēkos, lai sadarbotos ar speciālistiem un visām iesaistītajām pusēm. Tas, ka jaunie atklājumi analīzēs attiecas uz notikumiem pirms tik daudziem gadiem, šobrīd būtiski apgrūtina iespēju aizstāvēties, jo ne visi tā laika ārstēšanās un medikamentu dokumenti un paraugi ir saglabājušies. Neatkarīgi no visa notikušā un apstākļiem svarīgākais man šobrīd ir ģimene. Pašlaik esmu trešā bērna gaidībās un tagad mana prioritāte ir mana un vēl nedzimušā mazuļa veselība, tapēc centīšos saglabāt mieru arī šajos apstākļos un ļoti lūdzu Jūsu sapratni. Paldies visiem, kuri mani ir atbalstījuši un atbalsta. Foto: Aivars Vētrājs

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Radevica was quite an accomplished athlete. She won the gold medal in the long jump at the 2010 European Championships in Barcelona and the silver medal at the 2011 World Championships in Daegu. She placed 13th at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and 4th at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Radevica became really famous after posing for Playboy

However, Radevica was most famous for her decision to pose nude for Playboy Magazine’s “Women of the Olympics” issue in September 2004. Radevica was one of eight female athletes to pose nude in the special issue.

Radevica took off her clothes for the photo shoot in the desert outside of Las Vegas several weeks before the Athens Olympics. The “Women of the Olympics” issue was released during the Olympics guaranteeing Radevica an instant fanbase as she competed in the long jump and triple jump.

“It’s the No. 1 men’s magazine in the world. Everyone knows about it,” Radevica said in 2004. “They’ve been doing it for a long time, so I knew it would be tasteful and professional, and celebrate the human form. It’d show a sexy side of myself and my athleticism…

“I wanted to send a message to my friends, to just do it and not worry about what everyone else thinks about it.”

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