27.09.2019 by

Steroids Blamed for Rampage by Bollywood Star’s Ex-Bodyguard

Steroids Blamed for Rampage by Bollywood Star’s Ex-Bodyguard

The local police in India are blaming an overdose of anabolic steroids for the bizarre behavior of the former bodyguard of a Bollywood superstar.

The Hyperabad City Police in Mughalpura (India) are apparently uninterested in investigating the facts surrounding the mental state of Anas Qureshi. They have already decided to blame anabolic steroids for the bodybuilder’s mental breakdown.

Anabolic steroids were ridiculously demonized in local media reports. The muscle-building substances supposedly caused a “bare-chested” Qureshi to run down the street while beating up pedestrians, vandalizing cars, throwing bricks and screaming incoherently.

Police were determined to blame anabolic steroids for a psychiatric incident involving Salman Kahn’s former bodyguard.

Qureshi competed in the Mr Moradabad bodybuilding championship a few days earlier. He was reportedly upset that he did not win. The second place finish prompted him to overdose on steroids according to police accounts.

Police officer Rajesh Kumar told local reporters that Qureshi woke up and “lost his mind” as a result of getting high on steroids.

“After completing his power lifting sessions at the gym, he came home and went to the bed after dinner. On Thursday morning, when he woke up, he had lost his mind due to the drug’s side-effect. Within a few minutes, he ran out of his house and had shattered glasses of the cars parked there.”

Qureshi was taken into custody after being subdued by dozens of local residents. The man was ultimately admitted to a mental hospital for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

Qureshi once worked on the private security detail for Salman Khan, one of the most famous Bollywood actors in the world. However, he was apparently fired after being accused of rape by one of his relatives in 2017. Qureshi most recently worked as a bouncer in Mumbai and as a bodyguard for a minister in Maharashtra.

Unfortunately, anabolic steroids have been widely demonized in the India news media following multiple high-profile doping scandals involving some of the country’s top athletes in a variety of sports disciplines.

  • IANS. (September 27, 2019). High on steroids, Salman Khan’s ex-bodyguard goes on rampage in UP. Retrieved from

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