Alpha Pharma Healthcare

Alpha Pharma Healthcare

Alpha Pharma has gained a reputation for high-quality and accurately-dosed products.

Alpha Pharma Healthcare is registered as a pharmaceutical distribution company in India. It was one of the first underground steroid laboratories that sought legitimacy as a legally-registered company.

Alpha Pharma was founded by three bodybuilders from Denmark in 2005. Jacob Sporon-Fielder has been publicly listed as the chief executive officer of the company ever since then.

While Alpha Pharma reportedly distributes pharmaceutical products to local pharmacies and hospitals, it is obvious that there is considerable pharmaceutical diversion to the underground black market.

Alpha Pharma has gained a large following based on its reputation for quality products.

Alpha Pharma in the News

Irish Alpha Pharma Distributor Continued to Sell Steroids After He Was Busted

2007 NABBA Mr Ireland Hans Vogel Has Case Dismissed Because Judge Considers Steroid Trafficking a Trivial Crime

Alpha Pharma Lab Reports

Alpha Pharma Selected for the AnabolicLab Masteron Challenge

Alpha Pharma Nandrobolin 250 is Underdosed by Less Than One Milligram

Alpha Pharma Boldebolin Passes AnabolicLab Testing Process

Alpha Pharma’s Debut on AnabolicLab Targets Testosterone Enanthate

Alpha Pharma Product Photos

Alpha Pharma Nandrobolin 250 PHOTO

Alpha Pharma Testobolin PHOTO

Alpha Pharma Boldebolin PHOTO

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