Balkan Pharma Has a Pretty Good Testosterone Enanthate Injectable

Balkan Pharma Has a Pretty Good Testosterone Enanthate Injectable

Balkan Pharmaceuticals makes its AnabolicLab debut with Testosterone Enanthate.

Balkan Pharma is another brand that has been used by bodybuilders for over a decade. The forum reviews for this brand are mostly good but there have been plenty of negative reviews over the years too. AnabolicLab apparently felt it was time to introduce some objective, empirical evidence on this popular brand.

The first Balkan Pharma product tested by AnabolicLab was Testosterone E. Balkan Pharma listed 250 milligrams of testosterone enanthate per milliliter as the active ingredient. The steroid analytics conducted by SIMEC confirmed the label claims. The quantitative dosage testing indicated a concentration of 265.98 mg/ml.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals claims it is a legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals, unlike most brands found on the underground black market, claims it is a legitimate and registered pharmaceutical company. And the evidence tends to support these claims.

The company is registered in the Eastern European country of Moldova but it must nonetheless comply with regulatory requirements by the local equivalent to the Food and Drug Administration.

The AnabolicLab steroid analytics will not settle the internet forum debate over legitimacy of Balkan Pharma as a legally-operating pharmaceutical company. But it will give objective insight into the quality of Balkan Pharma products.

Balkan Pharma Testosterone E lab report PHOTO

Balkan Pharma listed 250 milligrams of testosterone enanthate per milliliter as the active ingredient.

  • AnabolicLab. (May 30, 2015). Balkan Pharma Testosterona E Lab Test Results. Retrieved from

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