DurePharma DurePrim-E PHOTO

Dure Pharma Continues Its Streak of Quality Products with Primobolan

DurePharma Dureprim-E lab test results confirm dosing accuracy.

The latest AnabolicLab analysis confirmed the dosing accuracy of DurePharma’s Primobolan product – Dureprim-E. Dureprim-E contains 113.5 mg/ml compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml methenolone enanthate.

DurePharma now has a total of 4 products analyzed by AnabolicLab. And all 4 products have passed the AnabolicLab tests. Of course, consumers should always exercise caution. It is risky to extrapolate the results of just 4 AnabolicLab lab test results to all products produced by DurePharma.

DurePharma is not one of the most popular labs but initial testing results have been promising.

DurePharma does not have a fancy logo, labels or packaging. But its products have consistently been around 10% overdosed according to lab test results published by AnabolicLab.

The UGL is available from a limited number of UK-based steroid sources. Other UGLs currently have much better distribution but DurePharma may be one to keep an eye on if it continues to impress with AnabolicLab testing.

Dure Pharma Dureprim-E lab report PHOTO

“Dureprim-E contains 113.5 mg/ml compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml methenolone enanthate.”


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