Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate Selected by AnabolicLab

Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate Selected by AnabolicLab

AnabolicLab selected trenbolone enanthate as one of several Hilma Biocare products to be tested.

AnabolicLab has scrutinized several Hilma Biocare products this year. The most recent product to undergo analytical testing was Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate.

Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate is advertised as containinng 200 milligrams of trenbolone enanthate per milliliter of injectable solution. AnabolicLab submitted an unopened product sample to SIMEC in Switzerland by professional analytical testing.

Hilma Biocare knows how to accurately dose their products but may have overlooked sterility issues.

SIMEC found that Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate actually contained 208 mg/ml of trenbolone enanthate. This was a great result on the quantitative dosage portion of the analysis. The product easily passed AnabolicLab’s criteria of 80% to 120% of the label claim.

However, Hilma Biocare continues to be plagued by a microbiological contamination problem. SIMEC detected microbiological contamination when it performed a qualitative TAMC/TYMC test on Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate.

Trenbolone Enanthate was the third Hilma Biocare product to fail the microbiological portion of the analysis. Hopefully, Hilma Biocare will reexamine the facilities that manufacture the product to identify the culprit.

Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate lab report PHOTO

  • AnabolicLab. (September 27, 2019). Hilma Biocare Trenbolone Enanthate Lab Test Results. Retrieved from anaboliclab.com/lab-results/brand-name/hilma-biocare/hilma-biocare-trenbolone-enanthate-lab-test-results-2019-03-29/

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