
Med-Tech Does Well with Primo Depot

Med-Tech Solutions doesn’t always perform well but its Primo Depot product is a winner.

Med-Tech Solutins is one of those underground labs (UGLs) that is generally considered a hit or miss. And mostly, it is a miss. But that can’t be said for Med-Tech’s Primo Depot products

Med-Tech Primo Depot is listed as containing 100 milligrams of methenolone enanthate per milliliter. And Med-Tech lives up to its label claims this time with an actual content of 91.8 mg/ml.

We consider any product within 10% of the label claim to be very good.

Primobolan Depot is surprisingly good while other products are surprisingly bad.

Of all the steroids that bodybuilders expect to test poorly, Primobolan is at the top of the list. Methenolone enanthate is very expensive relative to other steroids. Questionable labs are expected to skimp on such pricey raw materials.

Med-Tech did the opposite. It produced a very solid Primobolan product but it tended to skimp on some other less expensive steroid produts. For example….

Med-Tech’s Tren E was about 20% underdosed.

Med-Tech’s Anadrol was over 30% underdosed.

And Med-Tech’s Deca was over 70% underdosed.

But at least, consumers can rest assured with this batch of Primo Depot.

Med-Tech Primobolan lab report PHOTO

Med-Tech lives up to its label claims this time with an actual content of 91.8 mg/ml methenolone enanthate.


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