MyoGen DecaGen 250 PHOTO

MyoGen DecaGen 250 Lab Tests Reveal Problems

MyoGen has had no problem with accurately dosed products but the sterility of the products are another concern.

MyoGen’s first product (SustaGen 250) showed signs of microbiological contamination. The second product tested by AnabolicLab (DecaGen 250) showed similar problems.

MyoGen DecaGen 250 supposedly contained 250 milligrams of nandrolone decanoate per milliliter of injectable solution according to the product label. SIMEC performed a quantitative dosage analysis to verify the accuracy of this claim.

MyoGen DecaGen 250 ampules do not contain a sterile solution.

The MyoGen DecaGen 250 lab test results revealed that the product actually contained 242 mg/ml of nandrolone decanoate. This is an excellent result placing it within 5% of the label claim.

However, SIMEC’s qualitative microbiological analysis revealed evidence of microbiological contamination. This suggested that, at the very least, the product was not manufactured in a certifiably sterile facility.

There have been no reports of infections from bodybuilders who have used this product. The levels of microbiological contaminants may be negligible. But the product is contaminated nonetheless according to SIMEC.

MyoGen DecaGen 250 lab report PHOTO

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