Pharmacom Labs Injectable Dianabol Tested by AnabolicLab

Pharmacom Labs Injectable Dianabol Tested by AnabolicLab

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 is an injectable methandienone solution chosen for testing by AnabolicLab.

Dianabol (methandienone) has traditionally been used as an orally-active steroid product. Injectable versions of methandienone have become increasingly popular in recent years. AnabolicLab has chosed one such product – Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 – for laboratory analysis.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 supposedly contains 100 milligrams of methandienone per milliliter according to the product packaging and the manufacturer’s website. SIMEC performed quantitative dosage analysis and microbiological analysis on this product.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 is almost perfectly dosed according to lab test results.

The results of the SIMEC analysis revealed that each milliliter of solutions actually contained 99.7 milligrams of methandienone. This was practically perfect compared to the label claim of 100 mg/ml.

The qualitative microbiological analysis found no evidence of contamination from bacteria, mold or yeast. The sterile solution is very reassuring to consumers especially given the recent micriobiological failures of other brands.

Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 lab report PHOTO

  • AnabolicLab. (September 14, 2019). Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Bol 100 Lab Test Results. Retrieved from

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