Shree Venkatesh Trebol 100 PHOTO

Shree Venkatesh Trebol 100 Failed AnabolicLab Tests

Shree Venkatesh trenbolone acetate product turned out to be underdosed.

For a brand that claims to be a legitimate pharmaceutical company, Shree Venkatesh has not been doing too well on AnabolicLab testing. Shree Venkatesh had an opportunity towards redeeming itself with Trebol 100. Unfortunately, Trebol 100 disappointed.

Shree Venkatesh Trebol 100 ampoules arrived in very professional looking packaging. The packaging listed an active ingredient of 100 milligrams of trenbolone acetate per milliliter. Yet steroid analytics by SIMEC revealed that the product really only contained 76.3 mg/ml.

Shree Venkatesh may be the worst performing brand on AnabolicLab.

Trebol 100 was the third Shree Venkatesh product examined by AnabolicLab. And every single product disappointed in one way or another.

Shree Venkatesh Masterbol 150 was 22% underdosed. And Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 was a whopping 68% underdosed.

At least Shree Venkatesh Trebol 100 was only 24% underdosed.

Shree Venkatesh has a long way to go before regaining the trust of the bodybuilding community. Shree Venkatesh may be legally registered in India like other steroid brands such as Alpha Pharma Healthcare.

But Shree Venkatesh is certainly no Alpha Pharma.

Shree Venkatesh Trebol 100 lab report PHOTO

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